RF CMOS Receivers and Millimeter-wave Hybrid Transceivers for Power-efficient Cellular Communication
  • 2023-02-03

세미나 제목: RF CMOS Receivers and Millimeter-wave Hybrid Transceivers for Power-efficient Cellular Communication

연사: 김영민 박사 (삼성전자 수석 엔지니어)

시간 및 장소: 2023년 02 월 13 (오후 4:00, R715

세미나 요약:

First, power-efficient RF receiver designs are presented specifically for advanced-LTE cellular applications. The proposed two single-ended receiver architectures can fully support multiple-channel RF signals for advanced carrier aggregation scenarios with maximum design flexibility depending on the RF front-end module configuration and target applications. Second, the first demonstration of 5G millimeter-wave hybrid front-ends for phased-array transceiver in order to show efficient transmitter performance with low cost and compact area are presented. The configuration of the proposed hybrid front-ends is CMOS-based front-ends combined with compact GaAs HEMT-based power-cell array to obtain all the benefits of silicon and III-V technology. The architecture and design method of a millimeter-wave TX/RX combiner for antenna-port sharing suitable for the proposed hybrid structure are newly introduced.


□ 학력

학부 2002 성균관대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부

석사 2005 서울대학교 전기공학부

박사 2012 서울대학교 전기공학부 

□ 경력

2012-2017 삼성전자 책임 엔지니어

2018-현재 삼성전자 수석 엔지니어

#주관: 정진호 교수 연구실