웨어러블 바이오 센서를 이용한 신체 상태 분석
  • 2021-10-05

#세미나 제목: 웨어러블 바이오 센서를 이용한 신체 상태 분석

                    Wearable biosensors for healthcare monitoring

#연사최정일 교수 (국민대학교 기계공학과)

#시간 및 온라인 접속 주소:

- 2021 10 12 () 오후 3

- https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/88586633725?pwd=elRBd08xdXJrVEhVN0dEMXlBVTRsUT09

- 회의 ID: 885 8663 3725

- 암호: 980614

#세미나 초록:

Real-time analysis of sweat electrolytes, metabolites and rate offer unique insights in human physiology and performance, non-invasively, and in real-world environments. Conventional sweat measurement methods that rely on absorbent pads or plastic bags are able to effectively collect sweat, but require capital equipment for analysis as a separate step. Although these systems are highly accurate and robust, they are not intended for real-time analysis of sweat loss or composition in the field. Recent advances in wearable technologies for measuring biomarker concentrations in sweat circumvent many of these limitations, but they also require electronics and batteries for signal acquisition and wireless transmission, resulting in non-ideal physical designs and form factors.

In this seminar, I will present results that qualitatively extend the capabilities of recently reported classes of soft, "skin-like" wearable platforms with fully integrated microfluidic systems that combine microchannels, reservoirs and valves to collect sweat and provide simultaneous quantitative colorimetric analysis of chloride, glucose, pH, lactate, sweat temperature, and local sweat loss. Color reference markers alongside the assay chambers provide the ability to measure concentrations in real-time and throughout a broad range of lighting conditions based on digital image capture and color analysis. Field studies conducted with ten healthy subjects demonstrate the full capabilities in sweat biomarker, flow dynamics and temperature sensing with performance that matches that of conventional lab-based measurement tools.


□ 학력

학부 2001-2007 서울대학교 기계항공공학부

석사 2008-2010 서울대학교 기계항공공학부

박사 2011-2015 서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부

□ 경력

 2015-2016 ㈜ 퀀타매트릭스 과장

 2016-2019 미국 Northwestern 대학 박사후 연구원

 2019-현재 국민대학교 기계공학부 조교수

#주관: 윤광석 교수 연구실