#연사: 장형진 교수(버밍엄 대학교)
#일시: 8월 31일 오후 5시 ~ 6시 30분
#장소: Zoom 회의 참가(https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/3680666643)
#Title: Human-Centred Visual Learning and Its Applications
#Abstract: Humans are the best teachers as well as beneficiaries of AI development. My human-centred visual learning research is to develop vision-based algorithms that aim to make systems usable and useful by focusing on humans, especially their needs and requirements. In particular, understanding human body pose/hand/gaze is fundamental for meaningful interpretation of human action and behaviour. In this talk, I will introduce my recent research on human-centred vision tasks, including human attention mimicking visual object tracking, attention driven image cropping, real-time hand pose & gaze tracking, and human body movement retargeting, and so forth. Also, some interesting applications using the human-centred vision methods will be presented.
#Bio: Hyung Jin Chang is an Assistant Professor of the school of computer science at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Before joining the University of Birmingham, he was a post-doctoral researcher at Imperial College London and received his PhD degree from Seoul National University. His research combines multiple areas of artificial intelligence, including computer vision, machine learning, robotics, and human-computer interaction. His research career started with a focus on theoretical aspects of machine learning, and it has converged on applying these aspects to more practical problems in visual surveillance, intelligent personalised assistance, and robotics. Recently, his research has focused on exploiting and making advances in robot vision and learning techniques to move toward intelligent human-robot interaction based on visual data.
#주관: 강석주 교수 연구실